Category Archives: Motor vehicles

Mobile sinks and portable basins for in-cab use. Effective hand washing in the cab for van and truck drivers.

Handwash units for vans, trucks and powered trailers – try them out at the Commercial Vehicle Show

Get “hands on” with the perfect hygiene solution for the mobile workforce See them on stand [...]

Hand washing facilities for van and truck drivers – an employer’s responsibility

Clean hands before eating are essential – for everyone! HSE Guidance Driving for work states [...]

Handwash units for trucks and vans – which one is right for you?

Hand hygiene is not a problem for the mobile workforce… Specialist 12v or 24v hand [...]

Commercial Vehicle Show – try out these handwash units for vans, trucks and powered trailers

Get “hands on” with the perfect hygiene solution for the mobile workforce See stand 5B02 [...]

Why would you buy food from sandwich van staff that don’t wash their hands?

Handling money, then picking up food with dirty hands… Since the pandemic began, a larger [...]

How van and truck drivers can make their cab a “safe zone” from infection

Washing hands on entering the vehicle will help maintain hygiene standards Handwashing with soap and [...]

Soap and water washing “a no brainer” for truck drivers

Truck drivers (and their employers) advised to make health a priority There is a wealth [...]

The “lurking” winter bug that can only be controlled with soap and waster washing

Hand sanitiser won’t protect anyone from norovirus says report Winter last year was punctuated by [...]