Category Archives: Beauty industry
Hand washing guidance for close contact services
Why effective hand hygiene is essential for beauty providers Guidance to help close contact services [...]
Ditch the antibacs – use soap and water for hand washing: the evidence is overwhelming…
Why soap and water are the dream team when it comes to infection control There’s [...]
Soap and water hand hygiene is more important than ever for reopening salons and beauticians
The reason that reliance on gels has to be left behind Although hand sanitisers are [...]
Why you need water AND soap to get rid of COVID-19
Chemical and mechanical intervention needed to remove germs A recent article on the Unesco website [...]
Beauty industry: why washing hands with soap and water is the healthy option
It’s effective, it works – and there are no side effects “Clean products” is a [...]
Why good hygiene in beauty businesses is essential
Good first impressions provide reassurance and confidence in clients The initial image presented by a [...]
The Make Beauty Safe campaign gathers momentum
Beauty industry leaders address concerns in bid to make experiences safer for consumers A joint [...]
Hand washing essential because of “stomach-churning bacteria lurking on beauty tools”
The dangers if you don’t clean make-up brushes and blending sponges regularly Keeping brushes clean [...]