Tag Archives: mobile sinks

Portable hand wash unit is the perfect solution for Burrow Farm Shop

How hand washing between the deli and fresh meat counters was enabled The busy Burrow [...]

Why do only 61% of UK office workers wash their hands after a toilet break?

…and seven percent don’t ever wash! A cleaning solution provider based in Manchester, SMC Premier [...]

Norovirus alerts around the UK – why you should wash with soap and water

Infection control centres around effective hand hygiene The warning that “Only hand-washing will prevent spread [...]

Global Handwashing Day: soap and water best for effective hand hygiene

Important for removing harmful germs you may carry on your hands Described as “the dirty [...]

The risk to co-workers’ health caused by a lack of hand washing

Germs are spread so easily in the workplace… A recent YouGov survey has revealed the horrifying [...]