Category Archives: Food preparation
How TEAL mobile sinks and portable basins can help provide effective hand washing for caterers and all those involved in food preparation.
Why caterers MUST have separate hand washing facilities – NCASS
Hand hygiene for street food and outside catering businesses There’s a clear message for anyone operating [...]
How the Variant provided hand washing solution for Kathryn’s Homemade Cakes
“The Variant unit is perfect!” – Kathryn Matthews Kathryn Matthews is the driving force behind [...]
Hand hygiene – hot tips for festival food vendors
Hand washing during the festival season Visitors to festivals do not always follow hand washing [...]
Hand hygiene priority for Jamaican street food outlet
“Hand washing facilities always available” Mr Jerk is a real Jamaican pop up stall, based in the [...]
How the FHRS can help street food businesses succeed
Food Hygiene Rating Scheme certificate should be a high priority There are an incredible number of small business [...]
Food hygiene is top priority for customers
Poor service preferable to bad hand hygiene says report 75 percent of consumers surveyed would [...]
Mobile street traders must have “purpose-made wash hand basin” – Salford
Salford City Council emphasise need for hand washing facilities Vital hand hygiene compliance information as [...]
Takeaway hand hygiene lapse has disastrous effect on customers
Why hand washing is so important with takeaway food A lack of hand hygiene had [...]