Category Archives: General news
Why hand washing is important to help keep E. coli at bay
Wash your hands with soap and warm water says UKHSA A recently updated release from [...]
Top guidance for hand washing in the workplace
How soap and water can make such a difference! The Centers for Disease Control and [...]
Call to ramp up soap and water hand washing in Australia
Why it remains as “important as ever” The emphasis was very much on soap and [...]
Hand washing with soap and water is essential at festivals
Even when facilities are available, people often don’t use them says report With the festival [...]
Hand washing is a high priority when cooking a BBQ, advises GP
Why there is an increased risk of food poisoning during the summer months Higher temperatures [...]
Mobile hand washing units will be available to try at IPS/AHCP event in Cardiff
A comprehensive soap and water hand wash – at the point of need The Infection [...]
Mobile medical hand washing stations coming to Barnsley
Try out mobile handwash stations that can be positioned at the point of need The [...]
Open Farm Sunday – why hand washing is crucial for visitors
HSE calls on farmers to help keep visitors safe Open Farm Sunday takes place this [...]