Category Archives: Medical and healthcare

Portable hand wash stations and mobile sinks and basins can provide effective hand washing where it’s required – at the point of need! A key element in the fight against norovirus and C-Diff.

Norovirus – warning to wash hands as effective defence against the “old foe”​

It’s the “most common cause of foodborne illness” according to a New Zealand report With the [...]

Why Infection Preventionists are more important than ever – and will continue to be so

2020 was the year that infection control techniques became the biggest global issue The evolving [...]

Hand washing is key for International Infection Prevention Week

“…infection prevention control specialists are essential to keeping the world safe.” Infection preventionists (IPs) are [...]

How hand washing with portable sinks is saving lives and water in South Africa

Effective hand washing is more important than ever in South Africa because of COVID-19 Teal [...]

Hand washing with soap and water instead of gels could help avoid an “armageddon situation”

“…handwashing is the best way to stave off coronavirus” Warnings have been issued regarding the [...]

How hand washing works to control coronavirus

What makes good hand hygiene so effective against the virus? When people wash their hands, [...]

TV report: how Teal kept production of portable sinks going during lockdown

Extra staff and working around the clock at handwash unit factory “This factory has had [...]

“2 in 5 health care facilities lack hand hygiene facilities at point of care” warns WHO

SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands 5 May 2020 Infection prevention and control is of more [...]