Tag Archives: Australia

Washing hands before eating – how many Australians aren’t getting it right…

Everyone has been taught how important hand hygiene is – so why is it still [...]

Calls for hand washing vigilance as illness sweeps through Australian childcare centres

Hand hygiene has been a Gold Coast focus for a while says report Australians have [...]

20% of Australians don’t wash their hands after toilet use

Why using running water and soap is essential There is a particularly effective ways of [...]

Survey: almost 50% of workers think they’ve fallen ill because of poor office hygiene

Beware of workstations and telephones says report A worrying recent story from Australia has referred [...]

Wash with soap and water: hand sanitisers “may not be as effective as people think”

Sanitisers must evaporate to work effectively says GP Germs carrying the influenza virus can withstand [...]

Australian paediatricians advocate soap and water hand washing for kids

Aussie parents told to forget “old wives’ tales” Parents and carers of children in Australia [...]

Australia – call for patient centred approach to hand hygiene

Involving patients in their own care Medical and healthcare facility patients in Australia should be [...]

New Zealand and Australia – warning to wash hands regularly

FSIC urges use of correct hand hygiene techniques A worryingly large number of influenza outbreaks [...]