Category Archives: Workforce hand washing
How employers can provide effective hand washing for their workforce, including on building sites, van and truck drivers, farms, factories. In fact anywhere a hand wash is needed and required in line with Health and Safety requirements. Portable, robust, easy to clean and easy to use.
Salon hand washing guidance – soap and water washing essential when hands are “visibly soiled”
Basins should be designated for hand washing only says beauty sector leader The Schwarzkopf Salon [...]
5 of the best mobile sinks for beauty and aesthetics businesses
Hand washing with soap and water is crucial in all salons, pop-up stalls and related [...]
Call for diligent handwashing across the UK as Kawasaki variant becomes dominant
New strain of norovirus seems to be sweeping the country Norovirus – also known as [...]
One in 5 men don’t wash hands after going to the toilet – survey
Why a lack of effective hand hygiene presents a risk to colleagues in the workplace [...]
Farm visits: hand washing facilities must be near sites of animal contact
Minimising infection risks from animal contact at visitor attractions A 2013 outbreak of Cryptosporidium parvum [...]
Why hand washing is important to help keep E. coli at bay
Wash your hands with soap and warm water says UKHSA A recently updated release from [...]
Top guidance for hand washing in the workplace
How soap and water can make such a difference! The Centers for Disease Control and [...]
Call to ramp up soap and water hand washing in Australia
Why it remains as “important as ever” The emphasis was very much on soap and [...]