Why effective hand washing is vital as a safety measure
The revelation that came to light regarding the risk of norovirus being present in bivalve shellfish – that up to 70 per cent of oysters contain the bug, has resulted in an extensive call for the effective implementation of hand washing with soap and water, according to a recent report on The Express website.
The article by Luke Andrews lists the symptoms that result from contracting norovirus and goes on to quote measures that can be take to help lessen the food safety risk that the “bug” presents.
Mr Andrews quotes advice from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which provides advice on the handling and preparation of food, laundry washing, the cleaning of contaminated surfaces and the importance of “proper” hand hygiene.
Use soap and water – not gels
A source for the article is named as James Loather from the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture who referred to the CDC Guidance, saying
“Wash your hands carefully with soap and water, especially after using the toilet and changing diapers, and always before eating or preparing food.
“If soap and water aren’t available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
“These alcohol-based products can help reduce the number of germs on your hands, but they are not a substitute for washing with soap and water.”
Norovirus: Avoid the vomiting bug using these simple tips »
Hand wash units for caterers – that need no external water supply
TEAL hand wash portable sinks are the perfect solution for the food-related and catering industries. Two models in particular the Handeman Xtra Portable and the WashStand (shown below) are idea for mobile food outlets – they need no external water supply.
Just fill up the tanks with clean water from any suitable container and get washing!
Ideal for all catering related businesses such as Street Food suppliers, retailers, farmers’ markets and kiosks, outside catering, fast food outlets, ice cream vendors, coffee kiosks, sandwich bars and all other forms of mobile catering. TEAL hand wash units are also perfect for customers who use your facilities.
The TEAL range of mobile sinks for caterers »
The TEAL WashStand – wheel it to where you want it!