Tag Archives: hand washing

Soap and water or sanitiser? If hands are visibly dirty there really is no contest!

The dangers that can lurk under the dirt on hands… Washing hands thoroughly with soap [...]

Calls for hand washing vigilance as illness sweeps through Australian childcare centres

Hand hygiene has been a Gold Coast focus for a while says report Australians have [...]

Hairbrush and make-up brush hygiene and hand washing – what beauticians need to know

Beauty hygiene is essential Good hygiene is essential in any beauty establishment. It’s a constant [...]

Hand washing is key for International Infection Prevention Week

“…infection prevention control specialists are essential to keeping the world safe.” Infection preventionists (IPs) are [...]

Building facilities managers – bring hand hygiene to the fore for ALL building occupants

The COVID-19 challenge faced by janitorial and facility cleaning managers There is an increasing “nod” [...]

How hand washing with portable sinks is saving lives and water in South Africa

Effective hand washing is more important than ever in South Africa because of COVID-19 Teal [...]

School return: eight out of ten parents worried about their children’s poor hand hygiene

Nearly a third of children won’t remember to wash their hands after coughing says worrying [...]