Hand washing with soap and water call to nail technicians and beauticians

A Teal Hygienius mobile hand wash unit in a beauticians

Sanitisers are not suitable on their own to ensure clean hands

Ards and North Down Borough Council has made available a downloadable document for nail technicians, which includes information on the importance of hand washing when dealing with clients and customers.

The Code of Practice – Nail Services PDF advises that effective hand washing is essential before any interaction with a customer.

“The client and the nail technician must wash their hands with a liquid soap and water before commencing any service. Soap should be stored in a clean dispenser. Disposable paper towels are recommended to dry the hands.”

The advisory document has been compiled by Habia, which is recognised by the UK government as the Standard Setting Body (SSB) for the hair, beauty, nails, spa and aesthetic sectors.

A Teal HandSpa handwash unit in a beauty salon

Hand washing in the beauty industry

The Holistic Therapies Training Academy has provided access to information regarding aspects of governance for the beauty industry – including the Habia downloadable document Hygiene in Beauty Therapy, which also emphasises the importance of hand hygiene.

“…washing facilities with hot and cold water are essential to enable the therapist to wash hands between each client and these facilities should be as close as possible to the working area.”

Hands must be washed before and/or after a number of occurrences says the guidance, with given examples including before and after treating a client, after using the toilet and handling money, says the guidance.

The Teal beauty range of portable hand wash units can be deployed wherever they’re needed – with no plumbing required!

With 80% of bacteria and diseases spread by touch, there are high risks of cross-contamination between clients and practitioner and their tools which makes good hand hygiene essential. See the range of hand wash units for the beauty and aesthetics industry »

Announcing the NEW CliniWash – portable hand wash units for salons.

The Teal CliniWash mobile handwash unit for the beauty industry