Teaching hand washing – a “sneaky” way to keep kids healthier

Teaching children to wash their hands with mobile sinks

Frequent hand washing tuition is the key

Autumn is on its way and it will soon be time to get back into the school routine. This is the perfect time to introduce a few simple routines that will help to keep children healthier, according to Deena Blanchard MD in a recent article on the Mumtastic website.

In her article “5 Sneaky Ways to Keep Your Kids Healthier This School Year”, Dr Blanchard lists five key areas where parental and teacher intervention will make a huge contribution, including diet, exercise, bedtime routines and hygiene.

Teach children to wash their hands

Hand washing teaching and reinforcement should be a regular occurrences advises Dr. Blanchard – particularly after toilet visits, or during food preparation.

“Model good behavior by washing your hands with them. Good hand-washing hygiene helps to prevent the spread of germs and will keep your kids from catching as many colds this winter.”

Portable sinks for younger children

Handwash training for children is easy with a TEAL unit. Kids just love the warm gentle wash with these portable sinks – even when they’re on the go. And TEAL mobile sinks can ensure that children can have access to a warm water hand wash – even where they are enjoying outside play!

The TEAL KiddiWash and KiddiSynk mobile sinks are designed especially for smaller hands – and they make hand washing educational and fun.

Perfect for nurseries, creches, pre-school, outside play areas and children’s pet farms, TEAL warm water hand wash units are robust, easy to use and easy to clean.