Tag Archives: hand washing sinks

Why you need to wash your hands after filling up your van or truck with fuel

Research reveals the horrific levels of bacteria that lurk at petrol stations! When you think [...]

Teaching kids to wash their hands can help protect everyone from illnesses says report

The importance of effective hand hygiene highlighted in new study A recent study revealed large [...]

Why hand washing is essential for truck drivers…

…and why it’s so much better if you can wash whenever you return to your [...]

Young Australians taking hand washing more seriously says report

Research released to coincide with Global Hand Washing Day Some good news on the hand [...]

Hand washing one of the most important safety considerations on farm visits says NFU

Washing facilities must be provided and adequately maintained they say Managing the risk of disease [...]

Try out these mobile handwash units for yourself at Professional Beauty London

Featuring mobile hand wash stations for those in the beauty and aesthetics industry See them on [...]