They shouldn’t have to compromise their personal safety says report
During the current coronavirus crisis, it’s widely acknowledged that van and truck drivers are providing a vital service in these difficult times. And yet, they’re being put a serious risk by not being able to access reasonable washing facilities, according to a recent report on The Independent website.
The article’s author Vincent Wood pulls no punches, stating that delivery drivers “…are being left to choose between their jobs and their ability to stay safe and clean during the coronavirus outbreak – as major companies deny them fundamental working rights”.
Rod Brough a haulier with 40 year’s experience has noticed a “dramatic shift” in the attitude towards him by the large company that he supplies. Bathroom facilities are being denied to drivers and in many cases they don’t even have access to the most basic of hand washing facilities, with them not being allowed to use staff facilities.
The article also quotes an articulated lorry driver who paints a dreadful picture of the current situation.
“Drivers are pretty much cleaning themselves with wet wipes and washing themselves down with a little bit of boiled water that they’ve managed to boil in their kettle – because obviously we’re on the road and when showers and toilets and washbasins aren’t open you’re just completely stuck.”
So much for the government’s advice that it is essential that everyone should wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds on a regular basis…
‘I wouldn’t let an animal use the toilets that we’ve got to’: Delivery drivers fear lack of protection as they work through coronavirus pandemic »

Effective hand washing – for all van and truck drivers. Protect your workforce when they’re on the move
Hand washing saves lives! And the Teal range of automotive units enables any mobile workforce to be able to enjoy a hot water hand wash wherever it’s needed!
Easy to fit and maintain, they are available with 12v or 24v power supply.
The Teal range of mobile sinks includes:-
- The TEALwash for motor vehicles »
- The Handeman Xtra for motor vehicles »
- The Compact Classic for motor vehicles »