Tag Archives: New Zealand

Shocking report reveals that 84 percent of children don’t wash their hands properly!

It’s crucial to help spread the spread of illnesses A study carried out in New [...]

Childcare centres: hand washing guidance issued in New Zealand

“Gastro bug” outbreak centred on Napier and Hastings A total of seven childcare facilities as [...]

Norovirus – warning to wash hands as effective defence against the “old foe”​

It’s the “most common cause of foodborne illness” according to a New Zealand report With the [...]

Hand washing focus in New Zealand with Patient Safety Week

An array of “cute” germs highlights the targeted illnesses Patient safety is deemed to be [...]

New Zealand and Australia – warning to wash hands regularly

FSIC urges use of correct hand hygiene techniques A worryingly large number of influenza outbreaks [...]