Category Archives: Workforce hand washing

How employers can provide effective hand washing for their workforce, including on building sites, van and truck drivers, farms, factories. In fact anywhere a hand wash is needed and required in line with Health and Safety requirements. Portable, robust, easy to clean and easy to use.

The risk to co-workers’ health caused by a lack of hand washing

Germs are spread so easily in the workplace… A recent YouGov survey has revealed the horrifying [...]

Why hand washing is essential in a business environment

How soap and water are “good for wellbeing and business” Business gains as well as [...]

Leicestershire GP urges washing with soap and water to slow flu spread

Effective hand washing minimises illness risk in general When flu is present in the community, [...]

Mobile sinks essential for local authority van drivers

Duty of care – providing effective hand washing facilities Local authority mobile workforces are, by their [...]

New Zealand and Australia – warning to wash hands regularly

FSIC urges use of correct hand hygiene techniques A worryingly large number of influenza outbreaks [...]

Australia – lack of hand washing an issue for West Aussies

Survey reveals worrying lack of awareness of its importance Effective hand washing in the workplace [...]

Effective hand washing is essential to cut down the need for antibiotics warns RPS

Hand hygiene helps prevent infection transmission Two aspects of the importance of hand washing are [...]

How construction workers can guard against Weil’s disease – hand washing

How a threat for the construction industry can easily be averted Leptospira bacteria cause Weil’s disease, [...]