Category Archives: General news

Coronavirus – why are gels selling out when there is a much better solution at hand?

Soap and water washing is more effective – and is the only option with dirty [...]

Coronavirus is best contained by hand washing says report

While some guidance will change, effective hand hygiene will always be the highest priority More [...]

Norovirus – stay at home and wash hands with soap and water guidance

“Alcohol hand gels don’t kill norovirus” There has been a further recent surge of the [...]

“Only hand-washing will prevent spread of Norovirus” – ThinkNoro public health campaign

Why everyone needs a soap and water handwash… As the weather grows colder, reported incidents [...]

Handwashing a focus for British athletes – wherever they’re training

Hand hygiene emphasis “in the hunt for marginal gains” British athletes will soon be instructed in [...]

Hand sanitisers are OK, but “hand washing is better” – here’s why…

Don’t rely on the convenience of gels at the expense of soap and water Hand [...]

Celebrating Global Handwashing Day 2019

Why hand washing with soap and water is so vital – for everyone Global Handwashing [...]

Survey: almost 50% of workers think they’ve fallen ill because of poor office hygiene

Beware of workstations and telephones says report A worrying recent story from Australia has referred [...]