Category Archives: General news

Malawi – only 14 percent of people in Phalombe use soap and water to wash hands

World Toilet Day commemoration reveals lack of WASH compliance Concerns were raised at a recent [...]

New Zealand and Australia – warning to wash hands regularly

FSIC urges use of correct hand hygiene techniques A worryingly large number of influenza outbreaks [...]

Handeman Xtra provides portable hand washing facilities for Deveron Projects

Hand hygiene deemed essential for events which include the provision of food Mobile hand washing [...]

Hand washing update for Greg Clarke MP, Dame Caroline Spelman MP and Andy Street

The benefits of mobile hand washing facilities demonstrated at TEAL The importance of hand washing [...]

Bugs spreading in the UK as a result of poor hand washing habits

People not only don’t wash – they don’t wash properly 61% of adults in Britain not [...]