Category Archives: Food preparation

How TEAL mobile sinks and portable basins can help provide effective hand washing for caterers and all those involved in food preparation.

New – video updates about hand washing!

The benefits of, and the need for, effective hand hygiene – wherever you are! Teal [...]

Why hand washing is important to help keep E. coli at bay

Wash your hands with soap and warm water says UKHSA A recently updated release from [...]

Top guidance for hand washing in the workplace

How soap and water can make such a difference! The Centers for Disease Control and [...]

If you’re a street food business you HAVE to have a hand washing unit says NCASS

The legislation is very clear warns specialist food and drink organisation Some vital information for [...]

Hand washing with soap and water is essential at festivals

Even when facilities are available, people often don’t use them says report With the festival [...]

Hand washing is a high priority when cooking a BBQ, advises GP

Why there is an increased risk of food poisoning during the summer months Higher temperatures [...]

Try out mobile hand washing stations for yourself in Leeds this week!

Hand washing units for use indoors and out CIEH will be partnering with The Chartered [...]

The importance of effective hand washing when working with food

“Hand hygiene is simple, yet vital” says report Preventing contamination in the workplace is essential [...]