Outdoor events – hand hygiene requirements for caterers

Separate basins for hand washing are essential A number of washing facilities are essential for [...]

Childrens’ hand hygiene in preschool – useful guides

Why it’s essential for children to get into hand washing habits “Raising awareness about hand washing [...]

Food-borne illnesses – 89% caused by food workers

More thank one sink – well positioned hand washing facility the key Germs spreading from the [...]

Why handwashing facilities INSIDE the class is real benefit for junior school

Children no longer need to go outside to wash their hands Children at Brandwacht Primary [...]

Street food – working on “the other side of the counter”

London scene now an “explosion of events” Street food in the UK is taking off [...]

Portable hand wash units are “the future for mobile food operators”

Food-borne illnesses are on the rise in the EU E.coli is up by 5.9 per cent [...]

Arrowe Park Hospital – soap and water focus during norovirus outbreak

Infection prevention measure successfully implemented by Wirral health chiefs An outbreak of norovirus brought Jill Galvani [...]

How mobile sinks can help reduce infection levels with patients and staff

“Handwashing: Clean Hands Save Lives” say CDC The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) [...]