TEAL mobile sinks help West Suffolk Hospital fight flu and norovirus
Hospital visitors given vital hand washing guidance Staff from the housekeeping and infection prevention teams at West [...]
Truck drivers are now washing theirs hands IN the cab
Mobile sinks are the perfect solution for truckies everywhere Advice for truckies from Big Rigs in [...]
Change the way you wash your hands!
Effective hand washing is the key People don’t wash their hands nearly as well as [...]
TEALwash hand wash basins feature in southern Africa ambulance fleet
First responder hand hygiene on the move The emergency medical services fleet of the Free State [...]
Truck drivers wash their hands effectively with portable sinks
Hot water hand washing on or in the vehicle! Hand washing saves lives! And the [...]
Caterers shown the correct way to wash hands
Hand washing at shows and festivals Washing hands is only really effective when undertaken in [...]
Lack of BBQ hygiene “key contributor” to 500 deaths a year in UK
Hygiene levels at home barbecues is a cause for concern 120,000 extra cases of food poisoning come [...]
Farm visits – gels and wipes “not a substitute for washing hands “
Hand washing with soap and water when visiting the farm The Public Health Agency (PHA) in Ireland [...]